Company News
Industry experts visit Seetronic and discuss the new future of audio and video connectivity industry together
On January 15, a team of experts from China Entertainment Technology Association and Shanghai Musician Association visited Seetronic for an in-depth visit and exchange activity. The visit not only highlighted Seetronic’s leading position...
3rd Annual Seetronic Fun Games
On November 29th, 2024, Ningbo Seetronic Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ushered in the long-awaited 3rd Annual Fun Games! Top managers and all middle and senior leaders of the company attended the...
Seetronic отиде в пожарната станция на град Юнлонг за обучение по пожарна безопасност – свързване на правителството и компанията за създаване на предпазен щит
Objective: Safety First, Responsibility FirstIn this fast-paced and high-pressure era, safety is always the warmest guardian in our hearts. As a leading technology company in Ningbo at Yunlong Town, Seetronic...
Seetronic предизвикателство за умения за запояване
On 17 October 2024, Ningbo Seetronic held a soldering skills competition in the assembly worksho. Among the selected judges attending the competition were Supply Chain Center Manager Hu Dianji, Assembly Workshop Leader...
Честване на Празника в средата на есента · Посрещане на Националния празник|4-тото певческо състезание на Ningbo Seetronic Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. беше пълен успех!
With the refreshing autumn breeze and the fragrance of golden laurel, Seetronic ushered in the feast of music and dream once again in September - the 4th Singing Contest with...
Високотехнологична фабрика SEETRONIC
Фабрика за високи технологии на SEETRONIC. Независимите изследвания и разработки създават основна конкурентоспособност. Прецизно производство, използващо най-доброто оборудване в света. 100+ независими права на интелектуална собственост. Годишна продукция от повече от 20 милиона конектора. Производство на SEETRONIC, гарантирано качество!
Нов продукт | Неръждаема стомана XLR
Нов продукт | XLR от неръждаема стомана: здрав и издръжлив, без страх от падане от високо
Проведена бе среща по средата на годината и похвала на служителите
On 7th August 2024, Seetronic Ningbo successfully held it’s Mid-Year Summary Conference and Honorary Commendation among its employees in the company's multimedia hall. This event not only profoundly reviewed the hard work and...
Водеща тенденция в индустрията | SEETRONIC блести на изложението InfoComm в Лас Вегас
Under the bright light of the global science and technology stage, Ningbo SEETRONIC Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. has once again written a brilliant chapter in the international market with its...
Оризови кнедли на фестивала на драконовите лодки
With the pace of summer quietly coming, we ushered in the Dragon Boat Festival full of traditional culture. In this beautiful season of overflowing rice dumplings and dragon boat racing, Ningbo...
SEETRONIC блести и завършва успешно на изложението Prolight+Sound в Гуанджоу
Recently, the four-day Guangzhou Prolight+Sound Exhibition came to an end which was held at the Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center. As one of the leading enterprises in the connector industry, SEETRONIC once again...
Първата фаза от началната среща на проекта за икономично производство на компанията беше успешно проведена
On 11 April 2024, Ningbo Seetronic Electronic Technology Co., Ltd, has set sail on to a new journey towards the development of company’s operation and management in cooperation with Hyundai...
Frankfurt Prolight+sound 2024 беше пълен успех
From March 19th to 22nd, 2024, a high-profile international event - Prolight+sound held in Frankfurt, Germany came to a successful conclusion. In this grand exhibition that brings together the world's...
SEETRONIC: Изложбите ISLE и GETSHOW привличат глобалното внимание
I. Overview of SEETRONIC ExhibitionsISLE · Shenzhen ExhibitionGetShow Guangzhou ExhibitionThe ISLE and GETSHOW events brought together numerous well-known enterprises, research institutions, and innovative teams. SEETRONIC, as an important constructor in...
Състезателен стил на изложение обединява ръце за развитие – нашата компания успешно провежда вторите забавни спортни игри
This sports meet will be held in two sessions. One is a personal game on the afternoon of November 13th, featuring basketball and table tennis; One is a team race...
Лидерите на China Performing Arts Equipment Technology Association Zhejiang Office посещават Seetronic за първи път
The visit was composed of two parts: a conference discussion and a factory tour. In the symposium, Qian Shufei, International Sales Executive, presented to the leaders the development history of Seetronic company, the core business segment based...
Представяне на нова марка кабели на изложението prolight+sound 2023
Ningbo Seetronic Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. had launched it’s new line of business of cable products carrying COSMICONN brand. Newly improved connectors in RJ45, power and XLR which provides CAT6A...
Представяне на нова марка кабели на изложението infocomm 2023
Ningbo Seetronic Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. had launched it’s new line of business of cable products carrying COSMICONN brand. Newly improved connectors in RJ45, power and XLR which provides CAT6A...